Providing Excellent Guidance And Services On Real Estate
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Exact Measurements Of Property Assured
Get the exact measurement of the subject land or property. Most of the time the property offered for sale does not have the exact measurement what has been indicated in the offer document. Resultantly after the purchase the property, the buyer discovers that he was given less than what was offered in the offer letter. Property insight gets the exact measurement of the property done by experts on the request of either parties as a value added service at a very nominal charges so that both the parties are satisfied with the clear and transparent deal. Property insight team is technically trained and are able to do precise and exact measurement job. The service charged for this value added service is too meagre in comparison to the mental satisfaction the buyer/seller get after receiving this service.
Safe Purchase of Undisputed Property
The happiness of a property changes to a night mare/regret when buyer after the purchase discovers that the property purchased cannot be registered in his name because of some the Interse disputes between the joint owners/sellers or there is some legal infirmity to register the purchase. The buyer after making the full agreed payment is unable to obtain a clear title to the property. He is unable to have peaceful living and retaining property. So much so that he is unable to dispose of the disputed property in absence of clear title . The property insight offers a value added service at reasonable cost to get the legal position of the plot assessed before the purchase, by the experts team to check the revenue records, check the legal courts and authenticate that the properties in question are free from legal problems and therefore the buyer shall not face any problem after the purchase with regard to title registration. This service is a value added service on nominal charges, where the experienced legal team of property insight gets information from the revenue authorities and the courts. The real estate deal, then, becomes transparent and free from doubts.
Purchase of Property in Himachal Pradesh
Purchase of property particularly plot and land in the Agriculture area of state of Himachal Pradesh has been restricted to only Himachal agriculturists. This means Non-Himachali as also Non-agriculturist Himachalis cannot purchase any agriculture land except by seeking permission of the Himachal Pradesh Government under Section 118 of the land reforms and tenancy act of the state, for purchase of agriculture land for construction of a house or for growing an orchard. The property insight offers a brilliant value added service for identifying land as per demand of non himachali or non agricultural Himachali and thereafter offer ‘service’ to obtain government permission in the least possible time. This value added service from property insight is provided by an expert in the field with complete legal knowledge and revenue expertise. The property insight obtains the requisite permission at the earliest and further assists to proceed in accordance with the rules to be followed thereafter, to secure buyers of the legal complications.
Documents Preparation
Property insight also prepares rent agreement between the tenant and the landlord so as to protect the interest of both the parties. Properties insight is a mission to bring transparency in the real estate transactions. Property insight takes care to make both the tenant and landlord understand the terms and conditions contained in the rent agreement and consequences thereof. We modify the rent agreement as per requirement of both the parties so that so that transparency is maintained and both the party are aware of the terms to which they are subjected to. This brings cordial relation between landlord and the tenant. This service is provided to both the parties at a very reasonable rate and only if the parties wish to avail the service.
Financial Assistance
Property insight also arranges information on availability of loan from various banks for the buyers with a comparative table which makes it easy and transparent for the buyer to decide. We also assist the buyer to complete the documentation part for availing of loan. In the process, we get the market price evaluation done so that the buyer knows the amount of the maximum loan which he can obtain from the bank. Otherwise also, the evaluation of the market value of the property is necessary to bring transparency in the real estate deal. Property insight takes care and precision to get evaluation market rate of the property in order to ascertain near true cost of the property. Property insight makes the buyer/tenant understand the details of offer document prepared by the seller/landlord in order to bring transparency. This is a value added service provided on demand at a very reasonable cost.
Legal Services
Property insight assists the buyer/seller in getting the legal formalities with regard to purchase/sale and registration of documents in the revenue department and the courts if required. All these services are provided at a reasonable cost if the seller or buyer opt for. Though, if this value added services are not required, the parties are at liberty to do so by themselves but the expert technical and legal advice rendered by Property insight is meaningful and flawless. This makes the buyer/seller free of worries at a later stage. The property insight further assists the buyer/seller in the registration required to be done in revenue records. Property insight provides assistance to the buyer/seller to prepare requisite documents flawlessly and also makes the seller/ buyer understand that detailed terms/conditions and the consequences of documents so that the buyer/seller is absolutely free from worries at a later stage. This makes the deal clean and transparent. This is a valued added service provided at a reasonable charge.
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Providing Excellent Guidance And Services On Real Estate
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